Tuesday, March 8, 2011

LGM Drum Lesson

Recently the booking post getting later and later =.="
So the following are the schedule for this weekend, notice that we don't have any slots on Saturday. There is a Battle of the Band competition. I hope everyone here can go and see how the other musicians play/perform. So, same rules apply, post your booking as comment here :)

6 - 7.30pm Kwangyew . Tseyang
7.30 - 9pm


Kok Choy
12 -1.30pm Chuan Chun, Shen Lee
1.30 - 3pm chin ong, kiu leong

Yue Heng
3 - 4.30pm vei juan
4.30 - 6pm

Kok You
6 - 7.30pm Chee Leong, Shim Nyet Kian
7.30 - 9pm chung yang, tai pinn

Tze Hoe
9 - 10.30pm
10.30 - 12pm hin yew, chang fei


Anonymous said...

chai chuan chun
jong shen lee

Anonymous said...

sun 10.30 - 12pm
hin yew, chang fei

Anonymous said...

sun 130-3pm
chin ong

Anonymous said...

sun 7.30-900
chung yang
tai pinn

Anonymous said...

Friday 6pm
Kwangyew . Tseyang

Chee Leong said...

sun 6.00-7.30
Chee Leong

Anonymous said...

sunday 3:00-4:30 vei juan

Anonymous said...

sunday 1.30 to 3 kiu leong

kleor said...

Sunday 6-7.30pm
Shim Nyet Kian