Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Drum Session for (3 and 4 Dis)

Hi, the schedule for this weekend's drum session is as below:
And finally I pull Tai Pinn into tutor list d, woohoo~~~

Tai Pinn
12 to 130pm
130 to 3pm

Kok Choy
3 to 430pm Kuan Hwa, Kar Man, Chiew Hoon
430 to 6pm Hin Yew, Chang Fei, ZiHeng

Yue Heng
12 to 130pm Tse Yang, Kwang Yew
130 to 3pm Hao Yu

Tze Hoe
3 to 430pm Chee Leong, Nyet Kian
430 to 6pm Jia Ern, Lee Sin, Yong Dar


【-ξ + Я + Ω-】™ said...

Sat 4.30-6 hin yew,chang fei
sun 4.30-6 jia ern,lee sin,yong dar

【-ξ + Я + Ω-】™ said...
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Anonymous said...

sun 12-1.30
KY.tse yang

Caryn said...
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小桦子 said...

sat 3-4.30pm wong kuan hwa

Chee Leong said...

Sun 3-4.30pm
Chee Leong, Shim Nyet Kian

Anonymous said...

karman, chiew hoon
sat 3-4.30pm

Anonymous said...

sun yue heng 1.30-3

Tan Ziheng said...

Sat, 430 - 6pm, Ziheng