Friday, October 19, 2012

B A S S class first meeting

Dear Litlegras new members,

We'll have the first bass class meeting. Everyone is welcome. Those who have written their names or interested can come to the meeting as stated below:

Time: 10.00 - 11.30pm 
Date: 22/10/2012 (Monday) 
Place: Lembaran Music Room 

We'll have sharing session and learn more about bass on that day. Do invite your friends to come too! ^^ 

Any enquiries, you can contact me at 0175427256 (Caryn)



David Cheah said...

new bass joining LGM family..woo~

Anonymous said...

want join the family cn~~??

Caryn said...

anonymous, your name? if interested, you can come on the date and time stated.

Tai Pinn said...

okok :D haha