Thursday, September 3, 2009

Guitar lessons

A general notice about Litle Gras Music Club's guitar lessons:-
  • Classes are always held on thursdays and sundays, 8 pm to 10 pm. You can come any days, can come both days too. =)
  • Classes are to be held at foyer lembaran, on top of lembaran cafe.
  • New students are always welcomed, but when you do come for your first lesson, do inform us when you arrived.
  • Classes will be on as usual unless it is canceled, which we will inform in the blog, or we will tell you during lessons.
  • Try to keep your finger nails short before coming to guitar class. (sorry girls, can't keep long beautiful finger nails)
  • Anything, do call me, 012-245 1550 (Kok Loong)
Such beauty~

On behalf of Wai Yung,

-Kok Loong-

1 comment:

roey said...

wow.. great job! :)

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