Sunday, July 25, 2010

LitleGras Welcoming Night

Hi all to both new and old faces,
A new semester has begun. LitleGras Music Club has a new array of activities planned out throughout the whole year in addition to the annual activities that we had.
For the first activity of the year, LitleGras Music Club will be organising our Welcoming Nite. What to expect for this event? An explanation of LitleGras Music Club, an introduction of musical instruments, a few games and some performances of our homegrown songs is part of the agenda of the night.

Date: 29th July 2010 (Thursday)
Venue: DK 11
Time: 8.00PM

Anticipate a night full with music and association. Any new members, first years or even master students, are welcomed to attend this event. Bring along any of your friends that are interested, even those that haven't register with us.

Hope to see you there,

Kok Loong


Kien Seng said...

"Litle Gras Music Club
Rocking USM one chord at a time"....

Let me continue with a few lines more.
"Play a major chord, the earth starts shaking.
Pluck a minor chord, the sky starts roaring.
Strum a power chord, all schools start collapsing."

Remember to do it only one chord at a time...

Kok Loong said...

Kien Seng, Hou~!
You coming for the event??

Kien Seng said...

Not going lar...

Anonymous said...

Congratz LGM! Wish You Guys All the best with tonight's welcoming night. Continue your great effort in rockin' n jammin' USM NT. Thank You.