Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2nd Guitar Class

Hi all it's me again,

Guitar class is on this Thursday, 10th August, 2010. As usual, it starts at 8.30pm to 9.30pm at Foyer Lembaran. Cut your nails before you come, cos last week a number of guitars were damaged by your nails.

Please try to be punctual cause there were tutors (and myself lah) complaining that they have to repeat everything all over again thanks to late comers (you dowan to kacau your friends oso ma).
Also, please decide whether or not you want us to get you a beginner guitar and tell us on Thursday.

Cheers y'all.



eMiLy said...

I wasn't able to attend the 2nd guitar class due to family dinner. But I wanna buy guitar. Whom should I contact or what sud I do??

thoughtlessbrainiac said...

contact me lor =P
the guitar i'll get back to you guys when i find a good guitar for best bang for your buck =DDD
chill first o...