Saturday, October 22, 2011

Drum Tab Sharing: Need You Now

Holiday often disturb our drum lesson in music room, but not your own room!

Here I would like to share an easy song named Need You Now. The drum beat is not difficult at all (It's just the 1st drum beat u learnt in music room). For the time being, you can just ignore those fill ins since you all haven't touch them before. Just play the beat and make sure that you can keep playing it for the whole song :)

PS: The drum tab is done by my hearing, so I do not guarantee that it is 100% correct :)
The Original Song: Need You Now by Lady Antebellum

Need You Now (1/3)

Need You Now (2/3)

Need You Now (3/3)


Kok Loong said...

Sure correct one la~

怀财不遇的小丑 said...

No lo, wa noob eh, bo grade at atll >.<